Chinese Zodiac & Accessories


Rat Zodiac


For those born in the years 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008, the outlook is bright and blessed for you. Career-wise, it will be a spectacular year, but don’t rush into love.

  • Lucky Number: 7662
  • Lucky Colours: Yellow, Orange, White, Black
  • Auspicious Directions: East, North
  • Auspicious Crystals: Orange Moonstone, Aquamarine, Rainbow Obsidian

Wealth and Property Predictions
Auspicious stars lie ahead with a bright outlook for your career and wealth in 2022. Financial rewards will come from unexpected places. The presence of auspicious money stars indicates a strong affinity with indirect wealth, along with a stable direct income. Rise to the challenge, and you will have the competitive edge.

If you are looking to purchase a new property, you may find something you like this year. While you may enjoy good income, wealth management can also prove to be tricky. So do be careful when investing large amounts and heed the advice of experts to avoid potential cash flow issues.

There will be an increase in indirect wealth in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th lunar months. You may find that your investments in bonds or stocks may reap rewards during these times. Businesses that are based on the internet, e-commerce, media, and advertising are expected to be highly profitable. Take charge of your money matters. 2022 is lined with many money-making opportunities for resourceful Rats.

WORK: Success luck is neutral, but tenacity pays off.
WEALTH: Thirty-eight and 74-year-old Rats enjoy great wealth luck! The 26-year-old should be more careful.
HEALTH: Don’t neglect your health, but in this aspect, your luck improves this year.
RELATIONSHIPS: Everybody loves a Rat, but you may have to try harder if looking to land a mate.

LUCKY GEMSTONES AND COLOURS: Surround yourself with white, silver, gold and diamonds.


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