Chinese Zodiac & Accessories


DOG Zodiac


For those born in the years 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 and 2006, you can look forward to an energetic year in health, and an upgrade in your career and wealth

  • Lucky Number: 1376
  • Lucky Colours: Gold, Blue, Red
  • Auspicious Directions: Southwest, East
  • Auspicious Crystals: Kunzite, White Turquoise, Moonstone

Wealth and Property Predictions

This year, individuals born in the year of the Dog will see their overall fortune taking a turn for the better. 2022 is a year where you need to work for your money.

You can count on a stable Year of the Tiger for your finances. Your income will be directly proportionate to the effort you put in. Your direct wealth will steadily improve but indirect wealth will be less significant as compared to the year before. You will see a substantial wealth increase if you are in a career that utilizes strong verbal communication skills such as sales, law, consulting, and the service industry.

Nevertheless, you still need to be on guard for unexpected bills so set aside a rainy-day fund in the event of emergencies. A stronger indirect wealth fortune in the 2nd, 7th and 12th lunar months await. Numbers related to your home might earn you a small winning!


WORK: You can improve things by improving your attitude.
WEALTH: Strong, but you’ll need wealth enhancers. Get yourself the Sacred Resource Cow.
HEALTH: Below average luck here; stay cautious with Covid.
RELATIONSHIPS: Excellent; expect romance too!
LUCKY GEMSTONES AND COLOURS: Yellow sapphire, citrine andearth tones are best.


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